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Friday, November 13, 2015


Apart from moving to the mountains (above 10 000 feet) there is no real way to train for the trek to base camp Everest, North Carolina where i live is as flat as Belgium, All i can do now is to walk enough to loose weight, I am currently around 200lb so a 20lb drop would be nice before i leave, Its always nice to have a record of what you have done and where, I have been using the Runkeeper app on my cell phone for the last couple of years, Its free and works great giving pace, distance, calories burnt etc, It works via GPS so is very accurate, You can set it so that it gives you information every 10,20 minutes etc, By having the info given at set times you can challenge yourself to get personal best times or distance, I will continue to use the app as i can also claim money back from my wifes health insurance who have access to my data, Its a win win
I have been searching the web to see how others train for high altitude, There are a couple of ways that can help, The first is a face mask with valves which restrict air flow, Whilst this may help to increase lung capacity it will not make you increase your red blood cell count that is needed, You can hire a bed chamber which will give you all the effects of altitude but at around $700 a month it does not come cheap


Monday, November 2, 2015

Why Everest?

This trip has been a long time coming, It was in late 2012 that i told my wife that i wanted to walk the Camino De Santiago and she asked why? I jokingly told her that i was too old to climb Mount Everest and this would challenge me, When i came back from the walk my friend and neighbor Chuck asked what was next, I told him that since 2000 i have wanted to hike to Base camp on Everest, Chuck has been on the summit of Everest twice and said that both he and his wife Eden would like to go there and the plan was formed, In 2000 my wife and i traveled through South East Asia, We spent 3 months in India and then traveled for the next 3 months covering Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Sumatra, The trip was mainly wildlife focused and we were very fortunate enough to photography Tiger, Elephant, Rhino and Orangutan in the wild amongst others, It was really a trip of a lifetime and one we still talk about today, When you become a traveler you get a nickname, Mine was Tiger man and wife was project tiger lady, We met 'china man' a young guy traveling on his own, I think he was American and got the name as when we met him he had just traveled across China and mentioned to me that he had been to base camp on Everest, It hit something deep inside and has remained in my thoughts, When walking the Camino De Santiago i also met with a group of young Americans, One of the girls had also just hiked to base camp, Something was telling me it was time to do it,
 Last week was the first week that i managed to get some miles under my feet, Nearly 30 total, I did 2 10 milers and a couple lesser amounts, I am pleasantly surprised how easy i walked the 10 milers and in good time as well, I am still getting over shoulder surgery so the walks were on pavement, It will be another 3 weeks before i attempt using trekking poles and walking more technical routes but i am pleased with how things are going so early on,

Some images from back in the day traveling around Asia

All images were taken on slide film that had been carried around Asia for 6 months in heat and humidity, I am surprised how well they came out, Would love the opportunity to do it all again with today's digital cameras
